Black and White (more)

Some redone, some new, all b and w.

Same pump, different looks

Here are three renditions of the same gas pump captured on a trip through Utah a few years ago. Drop me a note and tell me the one you like the best, please.


Black and White

In Post Processing

Using a quality camera, like Fujifilm X-Pro1, their lenses, or those made by Zeiss, then opening the image using a good Raw converter like Raw Photo Processor, which only works with Apple computers,  then going straight into Nik software HDR — even taking just a single image, then on a new layer in Photoshop using Nik software Color Effects Pro, then into Silver Effects Pro to make a black and white. Sounds complicated, but takes about six minutes per image. But, the results can be pleasing to the eye, at least to my eye.